Tuesday, 8 March 2011

The Future - Day 55

Christ Church College from it's meadow.
With a productive start and nothing left on the to do list for today I sat myself down in front of the 80’s version of She’s the Man called Just One of the Guys with a bag of microwave popcorn. Nathaniel was napping and I was resisting the urge to join him. I decided to multitask while watching.

I talked to Krisann (and Aaron barely) on Skype this morning before I edited Jon’s second to last paper for Black Friars. It was so wonderful to see and talk to her and the unborn little lady. Thirty minutes after finishing my internet failed... Thanks for holding out cyberspace.

This weekend was particularly eventful. Saturday I met Jon in town around noon to go over to the Thames and watch the University rowing competitions. Three of our friends were rowing for St. Bennets (which isn’t a very good college, at rowing anyways) and I realized that it is a much more complicated sport than I imagined. Afterward we went to the Oxford Botanical Gardens with Emile and found most of the plants naked, or still under the cover of earth. We’ll have to go back in a month or two. Sunday we took a day trip to Stonehenge and Avebury (the lesser, but more populated counterpart of the henge). I’ve included some pictures from each day respectively.

Taking it Serious.
There are more stones than just this one at Avebury, we just didn't take pictures of them.

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