Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Khookies - Day 56

In a quest to replicate the expensive but undeniably tasty cookies of Ben's Cookies here in Oxford, Jonathan and I scoured the internet for any recipe leaks. If I'm being honest, these aren't even close to the sheer lip smaking delight of Ben's Orange Chocolate Cookies, but they are good. I'm including instructions just in case you would like to share in the experience.

This post is dedicated to all the good friends that we've had the honor to make cookies with. Namely the Gentrys, the Georges, the Janickis and the Zints. Love you guys!!

The Sharp Depiction of Ben's Choco-orange Tastyness

175g Granulated sugar
175g Light brown sugar
175g Butter
1 Egg
Vanilla essence
Pinch of salt

300g Flour
Orange marmalade
Bar of milk chocolate
Preheat oven to Gas mark 5 or roughly 375F
Mix together the sugar and butter until nicely blended (The whole time I was thinking of when Ben George and I tag teamed on those disaster cookies). Add the egg, beat together further, add vanilla essence. Sieve the flour into the mix while stirring slowly. Add a pinch of salt.
Drop the cookies onto wax paper lined sheets. Press a square of the chocolate in the middle and spoon a bit of orange marmalade on top. Pull the sides of the cookie up over the top to cover.
Bake for 8 min or until not quite done. Let cool to just under "molten lava hot" and enjoy.


  1. K, for realsies... I must try these!

    Melissa and I made use of her neighbor's yard for our maternity shoot, and afterward, we were invited in for a glass of water and some special Jewish triangle cookies. I really need to look up what those were called.
