Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Yearly Mainenance - Day 76

Once upon a time there was a little man born on the stormiest of days. His hair was blonde and his eyes the clearest blue. First he learned to breathe, then to eat, then to smile, roll, sit, ask, crawl, travel internationally, talk, then walk. He's wasn't the most advanced baby, nor the slowest. He was a beautiful perfect average. He nearly never cried, except when he needed something or got his body stuck in the crack between mattress and bed in the middle of the night. He was steady and content; ever curious and inquisitive. When he thought about things, he'd turn them over in his clumsy fingers, chin to chest, lips sticking out, thinking. He'd twist and turn and roll and hit and taste until he had become more familiar with that object than the back of his own hand, which he had yet to take such time looking at. He became his Mother's constant companion and they had many adventures of discovery together with his Father. He was a friend to everyone he met. There was no one else his parents knew that could so quickly gain access to the heart of strangers; it wasn't even just old men and women, or even parents that he could win a friendship with... Even goth kids listening to their goth music on the bus or students in their first year of Uni would be a friend to him. He was exceptional; not in a loud, superstar kind of way, but in a quiet, still, spirit-shines-through-his-eyes kind of way. Nathaniel James: Gift from God, Changer of Stars. Happy Birthday.


  1. Average,HAH! Unique and only. God bless you all.

  2. Well said Linda. You've done the boyo justice

  3. I've got his song done. Do you want a video or shall I just play it live if a guitar is available?

  4. Dear Nathaniel,
    A word of advice for you to remember as you grow: Always remember your mom on your birthday; it's her special day, too. Happy birthday to you, little man.

  5. wow. that was great, linda. really well written. i got goose bumps
